Giving to God what belongs to God
“So each of us shall give an account of himself to God.” Romans 14: 12
"Obey your leaders and submit to them; for they are keeping watch over your souls, as men who will have to give account.” Hebrews 13: 17
Prayer for Vocations
In the the Archdiocese of Hartford 2022
Archbishop Blair's letter Letter of November 2022
As of the first Sunday of Advent 2022, November 26/2, in a letter to be read at Masses, Archbishop Blair directed that a prayer for vocations replace the praying of the St. Michael prayer after Masses. The letter is read in this video. You can also read it here.
Maybe you never heard the letter. Someone was confused about the change and sent a question to the blog of canon lawyer Cathy Caridi, J.C.L.. You can read her answer here.
Archbishop Blair has corrected at least one parish, so that the prayer is now prayed in the place he specified: after the dismissal. It took a long time to achieve this correction. Nothing is impossible with God.
Pray for priests
In the article, Exorcist Diary: Demons Claim A Priest, Msgr. Stephen Rossetti writes: "Priests have special graces of protection from the evil one, but they are also special targets. At St. Michael Center, we willingly pray over the many priests who come to us for assistance. They need your prayers as well."
Please pray for priests and ask others to pray for them. You will find links to places were you can make online prayer requests in Praying for Priests.