Giving to God what belongs to God
“So each of us shall give an account of himself to God.” Romans 14: 12
"Obey your leaders and submit to them; for they are keeping watch over your souls, as men who will have to give account.” Hebrews 13: 17
Top 10, According to Catholic Answers
The 1999 article, The Ten Most Common Liturgical Abuses by Kevin Orlin Johnson Ph.D, lists the following:
1. Disregarding the prescribed text of the Order of Mass.
2. Interrupting the Mass.
3. Omitting the penitential rite.
4. Replacing or omitting the homily.
5. Dictating posture.
6. Dictating the manner of reception of the Eucharist.
7. Ignoring rules for reception of the Eucharist.
8. Holding hands during the Our Father.
9. Performing liturgical dance.
10. Closing the holy water fonts at some seasons.
Postscript: parish-hopping.
For more information, read the article. Also see: Communion abuses, grave, Eucharistic Prayers, changing, Eucharistic Prayers, not naming the Pope or Bishop, Dance and Hands at the Our Father.