Giving to God what belongs to God
“So each of us shall give an account of himself to God.” Romans 14: 12
"Obey your leaders and submit to them; for they are keeping watch over your souls, as men who will have to give account.” Hebrews 13: 17
In the the Archdiocese of Hartford
Decree of September 11, 2018
"This decree concerns the establishment of Eucharistic Adoration as a norm for the Archdiocese of Hartford to be observed for at least one hour weekly in each parish, as well as the obligatory recitation of the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel," wrote Archbishop Leonard P. Blair in the letter accompanying the decree. READ the letter and decree here.

The Decree requires the following:
That each parish (not church building) devote at least one hour a week to public Eucharistic Adoration.
Eucharistic Adoration should be "widely published in the parish."
Eucharistic Adoration is to be observed "according to the liturgical norms."
The Decree include the "Rite of Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction.
In the absence of a priest or Deacon, a special minister may be appointed to remove and return the Eucharist to the tabernacle.
It is not lawful for a special minister to give the blessing nor to incense the Eucharist.